Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

Not my photo


It's New Years Eve (well the 30th as I am writing this..), but wow what a year it has been. I wasn't going to write this post but I though it was a nice idea. 2014 has been a great year, for starters I started writing this blog back in April - that seems like ages ago. I wanted to write this post to reflect my 2014 blogging year and share some of my favourite posts and memories.
Of course I cannot forget my first 'official' blog post. I remember that I had planned this post even before I had created my blog, even before I knew how to create a blog! I had been reading a few blogs that really inspired me to create my own and I knew I wanted to include nail art designs as you all know I love nail polish; this was the first of many nail tutorials.
This really was one of the best days in 2014. Not only was it an amazing day but I really enjoyed writing this style of blog post, a kind of 'Get ready with me' style post. I hope to write more posts like this in 2015.
I really enjoyed writing this post. I think it was the first blog post were I used my new camera. I just generally love tutorials and DIYs as I'm I lover for all things art and design!
In this post I shared my photos of my summer holiday to my favourite place in the whole entire world. There isn't much to say, just that I love this place so much and have some really special memories from my trips there.
This post really sums up my Summer this year.
Again another amazing day with some amazing memories.
In this post I shared some of my photos from what has to be the best trip I have ever been on. I had such an amazing time and would really like to relive the experience all over again. (Maybe not the coach journey though...)
This has to be my favourite outfit post I have done on my blog so far.
That event really signalled the start of Christmas for me. I have posted a lot this December, more than I expected, but this post really helped get me in the Christmas Sprit.
I always get really excited about nail art around Christmas time, I love experimenting with different ideas and designs. This is by far my most popular 'Festive Nail Art' post.
This is the first blog post that involved my friends and because of this reason it is special to me.
And last but not least, my Christmas photo post. I have had an amazing Christmas this year, I so sad it's over.
I've had an amazing year so thank you reading, I am so thankful if you come back and reading my blog every week or if this is the first post you have read... Thank you! 2015 is going to be an important year for me. I will be taking my exams in the Summer and this will mean that I might not be able to post as much and nearer to my exams I'm pretty sure I won't be posting at all (but I will make up for that after the exams. Have a happy new year and best of luck for 2015. See you soon, goodbye.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

What I got for Christmas ♡ 2014


Today I am going to be sharing the things I got for Christmas with you. I am in no way bragging about what I got; I am so grateful for everything I received and wanted to share them with you as these types of blog posts and YouTube videos are my favourite (I've watched so many today, I guess I'm just really nosey...). I thought it would be a good idea to write this to say a massive Thank You but also to give you a mini review/ first impression of the things I am about to show you. I have decided to just write about the gifts I received from my sister and friends; just because they are the only ones that are likely to read this post, however this doesn't mean I'm not thankful for the other gifts I have received.

I'm going to start with the gifts I received from my sister. The first item I received was the Sleek 'Oh So Special Palette', I had been wanting this for a while and I am so happy she got it for me. It has a perfect range of natural colours, both matt and shimmery, and the packaging is just amazing! I also received a Revlon lip butter in Peach Parfait. I knew I was receiving this as she had asked me to chose a shade and I am so happy I pick this one. The final makeup purchase she got me was one of the new 'Leather Range' Maybelline Colour Tattoos in Cream Beige; you all know my love for these and I know I will be using this a lot. The last two item I got were: a magnet with the quote 'I'm smiling because you're my sister, I'm laughing because there's nothing you can do about it' on (this is brilliant!) and a bag of Marvellous Mix ups - the Oreo ones - but they are down stairs with the other Chocolate I received. Thankyou so much, I love you!

Moving on to my friends. My friend Mariah brought me this set of Essie nail polishes. Thank you so much, everyone knows my love for nail polish but I have never tried any Essie nail polishes so I am excited for that.
From my friend Katie I received this beautiful pair of flower earrings. I wore them after she got them me and I love them. I also got a pink glitter nail polish, and again you probably all know that I have been loving wearing black nail polishes with glitter on top. She also got me a tea light holder with a gold Christmas Tree design on, I currently have this on my makeup area. She also got me a cute Lindt bear, it's so cute I'm not sure I can face eating him..! Thank you Katie. 

From my friend Jess, I received a nail polish in a beautiful purple shade, I really love the colour. I also received a NYC eye shadow palette in 'Best of Broadway'. It contains some beautiful purple- cream shades, my favourite being the third one down. These are quite pigmented, especially the two lighter shades. Finally she brought me a Love & Wilde hand wash in the scent Vanilla and Honey, I've tried this already and it smells amazing. Thank you Jess.
And last but not least; my friend Hannah brought me two Soap and Glory items, the Calm One Calm All bath soak and the Girligo spray on body moisturising mist - I will defiantly be repurchasing this after I've finished it, it smells really good and is so easy to use. She also got my a Champneys shower gel, this has a really nice wintery scent. It is supposed to smell of ' Citrus Blush but we all thought it smelt like Cinnamon, but it still smells amazing! Thank you.
That is all the items I am going to show you today. Thankyou for reading, i hope you have an amazing end of 2014 and I will see you in 2015!

Friday, 26 December 2014

Christmas in Photos


It's currently boxing day, and I'm recovering from eating so much food ... I hope you all had an amazing day yesterday and are enjoying the Christmas break. Today I wanted to show you some of the photos I took yesterday, so enjoy.
♡ ♡ ♡

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

My Christmas Day Outfit

By now it is a bit too late to do any last minute outfit shopping, but I wanted to share my outfit for tomorrow, yes TOMORROW (as you can see I am very excited, even though it doesn't feel like it's Christmas Eve). This could maybe give you some inspiration if you haven't decided what to wear yet or by chance you might have something similar. If not this would be a great outfit for any Winter event or party.

Leggings | New Look (£12.99)
Jumper | H&M (£12.99)
Necklace | Brandy Melville (7 Euros)
Socks | Tesco (£2)
Black Nail Polish | No 7 (£6)
Glitter Nail Polish | Maybelline (£2.99)
I spend Christmas at home so I didn't want to wear a dress or skirt, I find that quite uncomfortable when I'm just at home, but I still wanted to wear something a bit dressy up. I had brought these leggings back in the Summer and I wanted to find something to wear with them for Christmas. When Christmas shopping I stumbled upon this jumper. I love it because it is slightly longer than the other jumpers I own and is quite thin, so I won't get too hot - as all of my family will be in one house and it normally gets quite warm. For jewellery I chose this triangle necklace from Brandy Melville, I got this on my Berlin trip and I've been wearing it ever since. Now as it is Christmas I could not resist wearing Christmas socks - ignore the fact I'm not wearing them in most of the photos, I took them I few days ago and that I have really chipped nails in the photos. Last but not least, today I re did my nails with No 7's Black Patent with Maybelline Colour Show's Glitter it at the top (I did mention this design in one of my Festive Nail Art blog posts - here). I am loving applying glitter nail polishes on top of black at the moment and can't wait to experiment with different coloured glitter in the future.
Thank you for reading. MERRY CHRISTMAS, I hope you have an amazing time! See you soon, goodbyee.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Festive Nail Art #4 - Penguin


I'm back today with the fourth part of my Festive Nail Art Series. (Part 1, 2 and 3 here) Today's design is a penguin, I think it is adorable. Thank you to my sister for letting me paint her nails for this tutorial. So, lets get started.

You need:
- Black nail polish (I used No 7's Black Patent) -
- White nail polish -
- Background colour (Claire's So Couture) -
- Yellow nail polish -
(You can use nail art pens if you like or bobby pins/ hair grips or cocktail sticks - I have used a combination of all of these to create this design)

The first step is to paint your nails in your chosen background colour. I have used Claire's So Couture; this colour is a pink/nude with gold glitters/ shimmer. I recommend using a nail polish with glitters/shimmer inside, this will make your nails look even more festive.

Step two is to add the penguins body. To do this make a 'hill' shape using a black nail polish (I can't really think of a name for this shape, so just look at the photo above). I have used No 7's Black Patent nail polish, I've been loving this at the moment, I really recommend No 7 nail polishes if you are looking for a really good quality nail polish.

Next, you need to apply a smaller version of this shape inside your black shape. I cannot stress enough that you need to wait for the black nail polish to completely dry, otherwise the white nail polish goes grey ( this happened a bit when I applied the white).
The final thing to do is to add your penguins beak and eyes. For the eyes I made two white dots on the black nail polish using an old hair grip/bobby pin, using this created the perfect circle. When dried apply a smaller black dot in each circle to finish the eyes.
 For the beak all I did was add a triangle of yellow nail polish to the top of the white shape, you could use an orange colour if you wanted.
For both of these details you could use either a nail art pen, bobby pin/ hair grip or a cocktail stick.
And that's it! Thank you for reading, don't forget to check my blog again tomorrow for another #countdowntochristmas blog post, byee.

Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas Q&A

I've been wanting to do a Q&A for a long time, and Christmas is a perfect opportunity to do so. Thankyou to everyone who sent questions, I have selected 10 Christmas/ Winter related.

Favourite Christmas Song?
Favourite Season?
It has to be Autumn/ Winter. I love it when it gets dark early and you can dress in warm comfy clothes.
Have you got any Christmas Presents yet?
Yes, I've got all of mine sorted!!
What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
I love the atmosphere at Christmas, everyone is so happy and excited. Christmas also means that I can spend more time with my family.
What was your worst ever Christmas present?
I can't really think of one, I have loved and are grateful for every present I've ever received.
What do you want for Christmas?
I have asked for a few little things for Christmas, not one massive thing. On my xmas list I put down a few of One Direction things.
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I don't think it has ever snowed on Christmas day but we had snow remaining from days before.
Who is your favourite person to buy a Christmas present for?
I like buying everyone presents, but I find buying presents for my sister is the easiest.
Real or fake tree?
We have a fake tree but I do like the smell of real Christmas trees.
Do you own a Christmas jumper?
I have a red and black check/tartan jumper.. does that count?

Thank you for reading. I hope to do another Q&A in the future so follow my Instagram and keep an eye out for a Q&A post. See you tomorrow, bye


Sunday, 21 December 2014

Festive Nail Art #3 - Santa Hat


I wasn't planning on doing this blog post, but this idea came to mind when yesterday and I thought I my as well share it with you. Therefore you get two blog posts day, Merry Christmas!!

You Need:
- A Red nail polish (I have used Tanya Burr's Riding Hood)
- White nail polish (I've used a Nail Inc. one)
- Silver/White glitter nail polish OPTIONAL (Essie Sparkle on Top)  

First you need to paint your nails in your red nail polish. I used one coat of this nail polish so the colour would be slightly pink/lighter. I really like the Tanya Burr nail polishes, they dry really quickly and are really glossy/shiny.
Next you need to add a line of white nail polish to the top of your nails, this is to represent the white fluffy rim on a Santa hat. This should take up about 1/4 of your nail; or however thick it needs to be to look right, everyone's nails are different so it depends.
This next step is optional, personally I think it looks better with a bit of glitter. If you want to add glitter then add it to the white lines on your nails. I used one of the nail polishes my friend got me for Christmas, I love it. Thankyou Mariah!!
Thankyou for reading. See you next time. byee.

A Piece of Festive Fun TAG!


Christmas is so close now, so I thought I would answer the 'A Piece of Festive Fun' created by Emma and Aneesa. (original post here.) I also asked some of my friends to be a part of this blog post. Enjoy.
1. On a scale from one to ten, how excited are you for Christmas?
Megan: The scale has broken...
Mariah: 5, I'm not that excited yet.
Jess: 8. Not 10 as I haven't brought all the presents I need to yet.
Katie: I think I'm a solid 7...
Hannah: 6. I feel like it's not Christmas yet.

2. Which John Lewis Christmas advert has been your favourite?
Megan: This years one is really cute #montythepenguin, but I also love last years Rabbit and bear one and the Snowman Power of love one. The music is just brilliant in all John Lewis adverts.
Mariah: I liked the one when the boy is excited to give his parents a present.
Jess: Last years one, the rabbit and the bear *sings advert song*
Katie: To be honest, I can't really remember the specific adverts, but I did really enjoy Monty the Penguin. Until you find out it's actually a stuffed toy, that kinda ruined it for me.
Hannah: The bunny one was pretty cute.

3.What are your favourite Christmas films?
Megan: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is the best!!!
Mariah: Elf!
Jess: I like Navity 1
Katie: I'm not really a massive fan of films in general (I don't have the patience) but The Holiday is a strong contender.
Hannah: I found 'Fred Claus' really funny.

4. What time do you usually wake up on Christmas morning?
Megan: about 7- 8, I'm not really sure; but a lot earlier than I would on a normal day (when I'm not at school), I get very excited.
Mariah: About 10, it used to be 6!
Jess: 7- 7:30.
Katie: Usually around 7am, I just get too excited!
Hannah: Around 9am.

*Starts singing Christmas songs really loudly*

5. What are your favourite Christmas traditions?
Megan: I always spend the day with my family and we always have bacon sandwiches on Christmas Morning.
Mariah: I always go out to see my family.
Jess: I have Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve, and I go to Church.
Katie: Every year my family comes round, and I just enjoy the whole day.
Hannah: Having sushi as Christmas lunch, or going for a walk.

*Singing Continues*

6. What's your favourite thing to wear at Christmas?
Megan: I always dress up for Christmas day (I will do a blog post with my outfit).
Mariah: Last year I wore tracky bottoms as I got them as a present.
Jess: I dress up, and wear a dress or something.
Katie: It depends on whether I get any clothes on the day, I normally decide based on them!
Hannah: Something fancy, like a dress. Or extremely casual!

7. What is your favourite Christmas drink at Starbucks?
Megan: I'm a Costa fan and I don't really go to Starbucks, but my favourite Costa drink is their Orange Hot Chocolate... AMAZING
Mariah: Pumpkin spice latte. but I prefer Costa.
Jess:  Same, I like Costa's brownie hot chocolate.
Katie: I've only tried the Costa ones this year! I had the Hot Spiced Apple drink a while ago; it was so nice!
Hannah: Again I prefer Costa, the Chai Tea Latte is great.

8. Do you like Christmas Crackers?
Megan: Yes! I my family we always have a competition to see who can keep the paper hat on for the longest, I've even kept it on until the next day sometimes (I get very competitive).
Mariah: No, I don't really see the point.
Jess: Yes, it's a nice thing to do with my family.
Katie: I really like them, the jokes fit with my sense of humour!
Hannah: Not really, the gifts are rubbish and the jokes are awful.

9. What is the best gift you've ever been given?
Megan: This is hard as I have loved every gift I've ever been given. If I had to choose one, it would have to be my laptop as I use it everyday.
Mariah: The gift of life... I don't really know.
Jess: I got an iPod last year.
Katie: I'm really not too sure, I'm so indecisive!
Hannah: I don't know, they've all been equally great! Anyway, it's the thought that counts.

10. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
Megan: For me this is easy, it has to be that I get to spend a lot more time with my family and the Christmas atmosphere is really positive and happy.
Mariah: The magical festivities, everyone is so happy.
Jess: Spending time with my family.
Katie: I think it's a mixture of everything; the lights, family, just the whole atmosphere!
Hannah: I don't know, it's just a holly jolly time of year!

Thankyou for reading, I hope you have enjoyed this post.. not long now!!! And one more thing, I will be uploading another blog post later on today.. Surprise!


Saturday, 20 December 2014

Feeling Festive OOTD

Todays post in a Christmassy outfit of the day - this one is quite festive. (sorry for the food and drinks in the background of the photos)


Leggings | Primark £10
Jumper | H&M £14.99

Now everyone knows this is the time of the year were everyone is wearing Christmas jumpers, but what about Christmas leggings. I recently went to Primark and found these Christmas pudding and snowflake patterned legging/ PJ bottoms I thought they were very cool so I had to buy them. They are super comfy and warm - suitable to wear during the day and as PJs. I paired these with a white jumper from H&M. I love H&M's jumpers, they are really warm and comfortable to wear. 
Thank you Katie for taking these photos for me. I am posting everyday to Christmas now, so do forget to check my blog tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Christmas Makeup Favourites

As part of my #countdowntochristmas I have decided to share some of my makeup favourites for Christmas time.

For mascara I have chosen to include a combination of Maybelline's The Colossal Volum' Express mascara and Collection's No Clumps mascara. I love wearing these together, they give me the perfect lashes. I also recommend Maybelline's master precise liquid eyeliner if you are planning to wear eyeliner around Christmas time. It makes applying eyeliner really easy.. well as easy as applying eyeliner can be!!
For eye shadows I will be wearing this Bronze shade from No 7 a lot. I got this in a gift box in the Black Friday sale and it is the bottom shade from the Cappuccino trio. This eye shadow is really pigmented and says on for a long time. My other eye shadow suggestions are the Maybelline Colour Tattoos. I have photographed On and On Bronze and Pink-Gold, these are both really shimmery and perfect for Christmas. They are really pigmented and last such a long time. After taking these photos I did actually wear a combination of a Maybelline Colour Tattoo in Permanent Taupe and the No 7 eye shadow, I thought it looked good so I might wear that on Christmas day.
Onto lips... I have chosen a lip gloss, lip stick and lip butter to share with you. If you are looking for a neutral lip colour I recommend the Revlon Lip Butter in Cotton Candy; it's really moisturising and shimmery, I love it. For Lip Gloss I've chosen a No 7 Lip Gloss in Glaze, this again is I really shimmery neutral colour.
If you are a bit more daring I suggest the Sleek Lip Stick in Dare (see what I did there...). I love this colour a lot, it's your perfect A/W matt berry shade.

As you will know I love nail polish. I have picked out two nail polishes for Christmas time. On the right it is the Maybelline Colour Show nail polish in Glitter it; it really adds something to a basic nail colour. I used this in my Festive Nail Polish blog post (here). I also have two other nail polish posts related to Christmas and Winter, here and here if you haven't seen them already.
My second nail polish choice was No 7's Star Shower nail polish. I'm really impressed with No 7's nail polishes I hadn't tried any since recently and I really recommend them. (Hopefully I will do a review in the New Year after I've finished with all of my Christmas Posts.)
Thankyou for reading, see you next time. Byee.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Decorated the tree


I'm feeling very festive at the moment; I went Christmas present shopping at the weekend and we were watching Miracle on 34th Street in my German lessons - is a great film by the way. We also put our Christmas tree up at the weekend and I took some photos to show you.

♡ ♡ ♡

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Festive Nail Art #2 - Snowman


Today I am going to be sharing a snowman nail art tutorial with you. I have posted another festive nail art post (here) already and I will be sharing more festive nail ideas with you very soon. This was the design I did on my nails last year for Christmas.

- Rio Professional Nail Art pen & brush (RED, WHITE, BLACK & YELLOW) -
- No 7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Star Shower -
- Tanya Burr Nail Polish in Riding Hood -
Step 1:
First you need to paint your nails in your chosen background colour. For this tutorial I have chosen the No 7 nail polish in Star shower. This nail polish is grey with Gold and Blue glitters - the photo does not show off how beautiful this colour really is. It is perfect for the festive season, it just screams Christmas from the name to the colour.
Alternatively you could use any other nail colour that white and black will show up well on and as this is a Christmas tutorial possibly a festive colour. I suggest Tanya Burr's Riding Hood nail polish - I have used a red polish in the past and it works really well for this nail look.
Step 2:
When dried you need to apply a white nail polish for the snowman's head, body and the snowy ground. You could do this on every nail or just one like I have. For this you colour use either a nail art pen or apply white nail polish with a cocktail stick, bobby pin/ hair grip or the brush provided (depending on the size). Do bare in mind that a large blob of nail polish will take a long time to dry, so try a use the smallest amount of nail polish as possible.
Step 3, 4 &5:
Now it is time to add the detail. It is very important that the nail polish is completely dry to avoid the colours running.
First I used a black nail polish/ nail art pen to create eyes, buttons and a hat on the snowman, try and keep the dots the same size. When creating the buttons leave room for a scarf. To make the hat I drew a small line slightly longer than the head and added a square on top.
To make the scarf I drew a line between the head and body and another small line coming off of that. I chose to do this is red but this is up to you, maybe chose a colour that wont clash with the background colour.
And last but not least we need to add a carrot nose on our snowman. You could use a Orange nail polish. However I don't have an orange colour so I mixed a small amount of red and yellow nail polish on to a piece of paper and applied that to the nail. This works best if you use a thin brush, bobby pin/ hair grip or cocktail stick.
And there we have it, a festive snowman nail design... Thankyou for reading, I hope you are enjoying my Christmas blog posts. Stay tuned for more #countdownforchristmas blog posts. I'm still looking for more Christmas/Winter Q&A questions so please feel free to leave them below or on my Instagram. Goodbye.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Festive Nail Art #1

I am a lover of all things art, and this includes nail art. I am going to share a few nail ideas for Christmas over several blog posts. Today I am going to start with some simple ideas but in later blog post I will do some tutorials of some more complex designs.
My hand looks strange in this...
Candy Cane - I've just painted my nail white and added red strips. This is so simple and quick to do, you could even add a few different colours or glitter.
Snowman - This is not so simple but doesn't it look cute?! (Tutorial for this coming soon.)
Glitter - This is the nail art I think I am going to do for Christmas Day. It looks really elegant and effective. All I did was paint my nail black (No 7's black patent dries really fast by the way) and add a glitter nail polish on the top of the nail.
Present - For this design I painted my nail gold and painted an off center cross and a bow. This design looks good without the bow as well. Maybe experiment with different Christmassy colours.
... and if you can't decide why not wear them all and paint each nail differently!!!
(If you want to know any of the nail polishes I've used, feel free to comment below)
Thank you for reading, sorry this post was a bit short. Do come back for my #countdowntochristmas blog posts. See you next time, byee.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

The Christmas Tag

As its nearly Christmas its only right for me to do the Christmas Tag! I have seen a few different versions so I have just picked my favourite.
What is your favourite holiday movie?
My all time favourite Christmas film is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, I laugh every time I watch this film even though I've seen it a million times. I also like Elf, The Polar Express and Christmas Carol.
What are your favourite Christmas colours?
Red, Green, Gold and Silver.
Do you like to stay in your PJs or dress up for Christmas?
I normally get dressed up.
If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
This is too difficult I can't decide!!
Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
 I always open presents on Christmas Morning and then others throughout the day.
Have you ever built a Ginger Bread house?
I've never made one, they look really cool but I would probably get frustrated with it.
 What do you like to do on your Christmas Break?
I spent quite a lot of time doing nothing and relaxing... I also enjoy Christmas Shopping, watching Christmas Films and spending time with my family and friends. I'll probably get homework as well...
Any Christmas wishes? 
That everyone has a fun and happy Christmas.
Favourite Christmas smell?
I haven't really got a favourite scent, but the smell of Christmas dinner, Christmas pudding, Quality Street (when you open the tin) and Terry's Chocolate Orange remind me of Christmas the most.
Favourite Christmas Meal or Treat?
Obviously Christmas Dinner, but I also love having Bacon sandwiches (we always have them on Christmas morning). For Christmas treats it has to be Quality Street, After Eight's and Terry's Chocolate Orange.  
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to keep checking for more Christmas blog posts and leave any Christmas Q&A questions below. See you soon. Byee

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Christmas Lights

On Saturday the Christmas lights were turned on in my local town. I went with two of my friends and I took some photos to share with you for my #countdowntochristmas. There was also a firework display and a Christmassy evening could not be complete without a trip to costa, by the way the Orange hot chocolate is amazing.
 ♡ ♡ ♡