Tuesday 3 January 2017

Hello 2017!

I kinda just fancied a bit of spontaneous blogging tonight. With this being the last day of the Chrimbo holidays before going back to Sixth Form to be faced with mocks (I mean who does that?!) as well as this being my first post of 2017, it was only fitting that I talked through some of my resolutions and plans for the new year. I always decide to officially stick to resolutions when school starts again because lets face it who wants to start healthy eating again when you're still milking the last few days off!

So that brings me to my first plan for 2017.
I did this last year as well but I plan in continuing giving up crisps on school days - why only then, well lets face it I love them too much!! For school lunch I have gained a reputation for eating carrots and I did become a lot happier with my figure towards the end of last year so I'm sticking to it!

This next one is in hope that I can actually keep up this resolution this year. Now some of you might have heard of the 'question a day, five year diary' (I'll link it HERE for those of you that want to check it out) and well I got this for xmas 2015 and all was going well but like most resolutions that kinda didn't last long! So this year I hope to try and fill it in everyday for the year - although I'm already failing at that so that will be my next job after writing this. 

As for blogging, my efforts were pretty poor last year, but I've come back and I'm really enjoying these quick little chatty posts. As always I'm not guaranteeing anything but, like now, if I have some spare time and feel like posting I want to make every effort to do so. This being my last year at school, I should get a long relaxing summer in which I hope will lead to a lot of blogging opportunities.

And well finally after a bad 2016 I plan to take something positive from everyday. It's okay to have down days but I want to make the most of 2017 - as cheesy as that sounds! 

I wish you all a happy and healthy new year. Best of luck to all! Once again thank you for reading!


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