Thursday 3 September 2015

Back to School: Organisation

I like to think that one way to make a new year at school as stress free as possible is to stay organised. Now this is something that is easier said than done. I tell myself that I need to do some homework or revision but a couple hours later I am still procrastinating on twitter or Netflix. I feel that I do seem to start off being organised but by half term it probably hasn't quite gone to plan. So in todays post I'm going to give some of my top tips to help keep organised at school.
I think the first thing is to set time to do your school work. I found towards the end of my GCSE's that creating something to organise my time help break down the load of work I had - really reducing the stress and pressure I put myself under. I'm not talking about a military second by second timetable, just something a little relaxed. I normal allow myself some time when I get home to relax before starting any homework. It all depends on what works best for you; if you work best in the evening, try to start your school work after dinner etc, or if you prefer you could try to stick to doing your school work as soon as you get home. I would also suggest that you try and do the work given as soon as you can and don't leave it to the night before, that will help to avoid stress and you are most likely to do better as you are not rushing to finish.
Continuing with school work; a planner would also help keep track of deadlines and exam dates. Having a set place to record and plan your work load will help to keep you organised. I know my school give everyone a planner, but you could always pick up a diary/ planner at a stationary shop - you could even use a calendar. That planner would be something you would keep in your school bag so you have access to it everyday. Keeping organised is also about having to correct equipment. A simple pencil case and notebook should do - as well as any specific extras depending on your class. To ensure I have the right stuff I try to pack my bag the night before school so I'm not rushing and I'm less likely to forget something. Finally I would suggest keeping all your school books, homework and revision guides in one place, so nothing gets lost or forgotten!
Thankyou for reading, sorry if I sounded a bit over the top!! Best of luck with the new school year, goodbye
Megan x

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