Sunday, 4 January 2015

Remember Your 2015

So this is my first post of 2015!! Although the first few days of 2015 have past, it's still not too late to use these ideas. I have done these three things in the past and / or I'm going to do them this year, and they are lovely to look back on at the end of the year.
Idea 1 - Memory Jar
I'm pretty sure this idea won't be new to most of you. I have never made a memory jar before so I am very excited to give this a go this year. All you need is a jar and strips of paper. If you want you could decorate your jar with ribbon, lace, tag or stickers. I brought this jar from Evolution, (mine came with the ribbon) I love this sort of thing and I knew I had to pick it up, but I did add the '2015' tag. 
If you are unsure what a memory jar is, basically you write something that has happened this year on a piece of paper, put the date on it, fold it up and put it in the jar; then at the end of you open up the jar and read the bits of paper. I really like this idea.

Idea 2 - Personal Photo Book
All I did was use a note book and collage each page with photos, tickets and pretty paper. This is defiantly for people who are arty but also have quite a lot of time to do the pages. I did this in 2013 and I would love to make one again but I never have time with school work.

I like this type of photo book as it adds a personal touch, rather than a normal photo album or not printing photos out at all (like me oops..).  This could also be a good idea if you have any polaroid photos and don't know what to do with them.
Idea 3 - Memory Board
The third idea is to pin photos, tickets etc. onto a pin board. I have started this and will be continuing to add to it in 2015. This is just full of memories and it is a really nice way to display you old tickets etc. that you don't want to throw away. It is also a nice thing to make you room feel more personal to you.
Thankyou for reading. Best of luck for 2015. I am now going back to my normal every Sunday post routine and am currently taking requests for blog posts ideas, so feel free to comment them below or on Instagram. One last thing, I created a twitter account yesterday so I would love it if you could follow me on there my username is @megansw0rld (there is a link on the right side of this blog).  See you Sunday, byee.

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