Friday 25 August 2017

What I've Been Up To // August 2017

August has been a busy month, and for me it's still not over as I'm off on holiday this weekend. I wanted to document my summer on here so here's a run down of what I've been up to this August. 

Let's face it, it hasn't really been the weather to go on a lot of beach trips - hence my excitement to finally get some sun next week. But August has been filled with a lot of
celebration, from birthdays to results day! We used the small amounts of sun to have picnics for a friends 18th, and a few nights out urm!! Also I hope any of you that took exams are happy with the result and are excited as to what the future holds; just remember this is just the stepping stone to the next part in your education and life. I will be heading off to uni next month so the plan is to have a few blog posts to do with that - and totally photos from my room when it's all unpacked!
My plan was to document a lot this summer on a spare disposable camera I had left over from my birthday at the start of the year. I'd started it at Truck Festival but sadly the plan didn't work it was either too rainy or I had forgotten the camera oopsie!?! Truck however was an interesting way to start the 'Summer', it was fun but I'm not sure if I should really call it summer, I mean it rained so much it was a mud bath... 

Another exciting part of August was a trip to London with my Boyfriend and his family; and of course I took my camera to get some snaps for my blog...

We had an exciting day sight-seeing and took a visit to the aquarium and Dungeons. The dungeons was one of those experiences where you know you are going to be scared you are just waiting for it ahhh! It was a tiring but fun day out.

I've also found some time to get back into my art. Taking Alevel Art and Graphics for me kinda meant I couldn't do much along side as a hobby but finally with a free summer I found the time. I actually have an Instagram account that is majorly photography based, however I do tend to upload some of my art stuff so go and give it a follow - @megansw0rld. It actually appears as a graphic on the right side of my blog so take a look. I often update Insta stories when I upload on here so follow me and you won't miss out on my blog updates!

I'm going to finish here, again well done for any results and I hope you've all had an amazing summer and make the most of the last few weeks before back to school, collage or uni. See you next time, bye.


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