Saturday 20 August 2016

Reflecting on Summer

So my summer blog posting hasn't exactly been consistent, well actually pretty no existent. But right now I really feel like blogging. Not gunna lie this will probably just turn into a rambly post and I'm not sure if it will actually ever get uploaded but then again you are reading it now.
Summer for me has been filled with a lot of new experiences, I did some working experience and some paid work relating to my dream career. This has been quite rewarding and has made me very excited for uni and beyond. Also, as food is a necessity, in this last week I have had my very first Nandos and Noodle Nation. Both 10/10 on my food list!! And most importantly I finally got the chance to see Finding Dory. For me this was a must see, since I saw the first trailer and believe me it lived up to the expectation, literally you have to go!!
This summer I also spent a week at my favourite place, Croyde Bay. There I spent a week surfing and got a pretty impressive tan for a British summer haha!! Whilst on holiday and at home I also watched a lot of the Rio Olympics. I've always been a sports fan but the Olympics is always something special. The men's gymnastics was pretty exciting and GB have done so well. It's a shame that the time zones sometimes make it difficult to watch. And lastly it was the return of the dreaded exam results. It did feel like I hadn't taken my summer exams as we pretty much started the A2 classes straight after but I was so happy with the results, I had to check them twice to double check and even then I didn't believe it! I hope all your exams went well and good luck to those off to uni and to those getting your GCSE results in a few days.
I was looking forward to this summer break, a time to relax and have fun. However I am quite excited for the return of Autumn and Winter, my favourite months. Tonight it actually feels quite wintery, I love it! Please leave your summer highlight in comments (hopefully it will let me reply as it can be quite temperamental). Let me know if you liked this style of post, as well as linking some of your favourite blogs.  Also I forgot to add that I started a portfolio blog ( so I would love it if you could check that out; and don't forget to follow me on twitter and Instagram (both @megansw0rld) because in always updating them. Hope you had a lovely summer and best of luck for the months to come. I'm going to leave a few photos below, as I never go anywhere without taking a photo!
Knitting around Oxfords Radcliff Camera - thought these were incredibly cute!
Noodle Nation

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