I'm not going to be able to upload a blog post this weekend so I thought I would write I quick post today instead. Today I am going to be doing the 'This or That' Tag. I've not been tagged to do this but oh well. This isn't the full version as there are loads of questions but it would have been a very long blog post and I didn't just want to write one word answers. I think the tag is originally American so some of the questions would have been pointless anyway, as we don't have some of the shops/ products in the UK.
- Lipgloss or Lipstick - I defiantly wear and own more lipsticks, I find that lipglosses can sometimes feel really sticky.
- Eyeliner or Mascara - Mascara! I barely leave the house without it on. As I wear glasses my eyes look really small without it, plus my eyeliner is never even :(
- Neutral or Colour Eye Shadow - My eye shadows are mostly neutral colours; the only colour I wear is purple but even then I don't wear it loads and its not bright purple. So Neutral eye shadows are best.
- Pressed or Loose Eye Shadows - Pressed, it's just easier.
- Long or Short - I like my nails long but I generally have them shorter for school so they don't break. I think they look better long.
- Acrylic or Natural - Natural. I've never had acrylic nails as my nails grow quite fast; I think acrylics would just get on my nerves.
- Bright or Dark - This really depends on the season. As it's Autumn now I would say dark.
- Flower or No Flower - This again depends on the season. In Summer I would probably say yes to flowers but I never have time to add them. I wouldn't add flowers in the Winter.
- Lotion or Body Butter - Body butter; I don't own many body lotions.
- Body Wash or Soap - The smell definitely lasts longer/ is stronger in Body Washes and they don't run out as much.
- Lush or Other Bath Company - Lush. I love the smell of the products, the shop always smells so good. Lush face masks are my favourite.
- Jeans or Sweatpants - Arghh, I can't decide! I own more jeans and wouldn't go out in sweatpants/joggers but there is nothing better than changing into sweatpants/joggers after school in the winter...
- Long Sleeve or Short - Short! The only long sleeve items in my wardrobe are jumpers and hoodies. I just prefer short sleeves.
- Studs or Dangly Earrings - Studs are defiantly more practical but I have recently brought a pair of beautiful dangly earrings. I would probably say I prefer studs overall.
- Necklace or Bracelets - I love both. I feel quite often a necklace completes an outfit, so necklaces.
- Heels or Flats - Flats; I live in my Converse and Vans!
- Curly or Straight - My hair is in between these too but I would love naturally straight hair.
- Hairspray or Gel - Hairspray; I don't use either of them often but I would say hairspray.
- Long or Short - I would love long hair but not excessively long.
- Up or Down - I wear my hair down all the time. The only time I wear it up is if my hair is really out of control or if I'm doing sport.
- Rain or Shine -Shine! Though I do love a thunder storm if; only if I'm inside.
- Summer or Winter - I feel more productive in the Summer, I'm not sure why, its probably the good weather (well okay weather when your living in the UK!!) But my birthday and Christmas is in Winter...
- Fall (Autumn) or Spring - Autumn. I love autumn clothes, darker evenings and when the leaves change colours.
Thank you for reading. I have really enjoyed writing this and I like tag type blog posts, so if there are any tag you want me to do either comment below or on Instagram. Even though I wasn't tagged to do this I am still going to tag people. I tag Kate (pinkandmintxo.blogspot.co.uk) and YOU! It's pretty easy to find the questions online. Sorry I didn't do every question, I just feel it would have made the blog post extremely long as I wanted to give reasons for my answers. See you next time, goodbyee.