Saturday, 17 March 2018

A Week of Uni Outfits

I'm back and oh boy you have no idea how long this has taken me to put together! In todays post I'm going to be sharing some of my typical uni outfits with you. I won't lie I've been planning this for weeks but I kept forgetting to take the outfit photos! OOPS, but here it is ... finally.  These outfits are realistic as to what I would wear on an average week, most of this isn't super new so I won't have the exact links but I"m going to find some similar items for you all. I personally really enjoy both writing and reading outfit posts just for general style Inspo. Then again my outfits all seem to branch out from a pair of black jeans, believe me I want to try new things but I always got straight back to my comfort zone. In the summer and warmer weather however I will hopefully have a bit more variety, so bare with me. I don't know about you but I'm super excited for it to start to get a little warmer now! 

Keep reading to see the outfits, and I know I've said this before but check out my 21 Buttons for more outfits like this! I took these all on my phone in the mirror so no super fancy blogger shots today but ah well thats how it's got to be now I'm super busy with Uni. Got a hectic week ahead when I'm writing this but hopefully I can get a bit more content up for you all shortly - I'm aiming to write a bit more today so fingers cross. Anyways.. read on!

Friday, 9 March 2018

Snow... in March?!

I know that you are all probably bored of all the snow posts and instagrams but I've just got round to editing this blog post and I thought I'd share it anyway. In some ways this is kinda just a space for me to document this and look back on; that's one of the things I really love about writing this blog - particularly my lifestyle/ photography posts. Then again if, like me, you really enjoy looking at others snowy pictures - ahh snow is just so pretty - then voila enjoy! :)

I will just add, YES parts of the lake did freeze for practically a week.. yup it was cold! 


Monday, 5 March 2018

Maybelline Total Temptations - Review and Comparison

I’m back today with a makeup post. The Total Temptations range from Maybelline came out a while ago and one thing I was particularly interested in was the mascara. I haven’t tried a new mascara in a while and after reading a few first impressions I thought I should give it a try. So that’s what I’m going to do! Also if you’ve read my blog before you’ll know that the reason I haven’t really experimented with my mascaras in a while is because