Sunday 14 May 2017

Stressed Out?!

Hey I'm back and right at the start of this exam season for most people. I've got one a level left (perks of doing arty subjects) but remembering back to my GCSE year, I can imagine the build up of stress exams can lead to. Now these tips might be stating the obvious but when I'm in a stressed situation I find it useful when someone else breaks down the stress and talks it through with me; so I hope this post can help any of you! I'm not an expert, but these are just a few of the ways that help me best.
When your stressed before an exam or have multiple things to detail with, a simple way to start is by making a list of all the things clogging up your mind. These could be each module of the exam or separate tasks you need to get done. Right now I still have a 'to do this' in my phone case from the last week. On top of this, am I the only one that gets satisfied with crossing things off a list?!

Number two... time management. Now you might have already created a plan for your revision - that can be a really useful way to keep organised and making sure you've covered everything. However do you have time off scheduled? Now that might seem silly  as your stressing enough as it is, but in reality it's not possible to keep going without some time off, you'll just burn out. I've always said Fridays will be my night off, but time away from the books can vary week by week depending on what you have to get done; but it's important not to miss it out! Here are a few ways I think work: 

  • Walks
  • Movies/ YouTube 
  • Meeting up with friends
  • Naps! 
  • Day trips out

Along the same line as meeting with friends, it might be nice to revise together occasionally - only if this works well for you all. This way you can get the revision done as well as supporting each other through the parts that cause you the most stress and your worried about. In terms of revision and depending on the subject you might find that the other person your revising with has an idea you never considered or a useful way to remember something. 

And finally it's important to stay focused, when I'm stressed I think to myself that this is only temporary and will have time to fully relax and have a great time in the summer afterwards. Just keep working towards your end goal, whether that's a certain grade etc. It's nearly over!! 

Thankyou for reading, now my major exams are over I might have a bit more time to post, so stay tuned! 


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